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California Is Set To Join The List Of States Supporting Digital IDs In Apple Wallet
Yesterday, a report by Benjamin Mayo at 9to5Mac revealed that California is set to support digital IDs in Apple’s Wallet app. This development follows Ohio’s recent announcement of its support for the feature. Despite being introduced in 2021, digital ID adoption in Apple Wallet has been slow, with only five states—Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, and Ohio—embracing the technology so far.
The report notes that California’s move comes after the state tested its own digital ID app. According to Mayo, Apple Wallet’s support for digital IDs is currently in private beta testing with DMV employees, who are also working on creating landing pages for the new feature. While an official release date is still pending, this progress signifies a major step towards broader acceptance.
The integration of identification cards into Apple Wallet represents a significant advance in accessibility. Just as digital credit cards simplify payments through an iPhone or Apple Watch, digital IDs can streamline the process of proving one’s identity.
For individuals with disabilities, accessing a physical ID card can pose challenges due to cognitive, visual, or motor difficulties. As Steven Aquino, a Forbes contributor with disabilities, points out, a digital ID in Apple Wallet can be a game-changer. By eliminating the need to carry and present a physical card, it empowers people with disabilities to more easily navigate everyday tasks that require identification.
Aquino remarks, “Depending on one’s needs and tolerance in terms of their condition(s), it can be adventurous to try to dig through a physical wallet and pull out their driver’s license or ID card. Any combination of a person’s cognitive, visual, and/or fine-motor abilities can be put to the test; what is ostensibly a mundane task for an able-bodied person can be a Mt. Everest-sized mountain to climb for a disabled person.”
The expansion of digital IDs into Apple Wallet marks an advancement in technology of convenience. As more states consider adopting this feature, it could contribute to a more streamlined and accessible process for managing identification.
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